Another Blade in the Wind – Clean Energy Progresses on Maui
I discussed in an article in 2008 how First Winds Kahea Wind Project situated on Ukemehame Ridge was on line and pouring 30 megawatts into
I discussed in an article in 2008 how First Winds Kahea Wind Project situated on Ukemehame Ridge was on line and pouring 30 megawatts into
In 1998 I was living in Las Vegas and my good friend and fantastic artist Peter A. Durand was experimenting with some new mold materials
Check out the awesome artwork of Alysia Mckee on her website where she displays the finest minute sculpture in jewelry form that you’ve probably ever
I picked up approximately ten new sites recently and this has increased my workflow and decreased my blog flow. I am endeavoring to keep it
I visited with James and James of MOTH today and they played me their new untitled song. Shred! I will be building them a web
PRE-PENDIX: Most of the links now edited into this post were made with Apture for Word Press, a lovely plugin that is not accessible in
And Indeed ScribeFire is more feature rich than could be a mobile phone client such as WordPress for Android or EasyBlog for Android. With extras
My dear friend Alysia’s new jewelry case. You can see her awesome Maui themed jewelry here. Favorite 0
Welcome to my new blog where I seek to think out loud about web design, SEO, SEM, Maui in general and likely many other abstractions.
Site Design and Development by Jesse Francis Maui ©1999 – 2021