What Kind of Website Services Does Maui Computer.com perform?

Web Development

I help clients on Maui and abroad get a domain name, host a website and build a website for their small business.

I deliver modern website development, design, and business solutions for small to moderate sized companies on Maui, Hawaii and across the USA and world.

I am often contracted to solve problems by other webmasters or their clients to find unique and custom website development and  integration solutions so that they can continue working on their own sites.

I am proficient with layout, design, code changes, and website integrations, manipulating databases and batch processing images.

Website Repair

Website repair and restoration is the swift recovery of infected, damaged or abandoned websites by a professional web developer.

I am often called by other webmasters, web designers, web hosts, and IT Consultants to help their clients with website repairs. Sometimes I repair sites for other web developers and do not have any contact with their clients. If you are a web Developer and are working on a damaged website you can call on me for a consult.  

Emergency website repairs can include recovery from viruses, malicious software, loss of hosting, loss of domain name, and even from suspension by other webmasters, webdevelopers, and web designers. If a payment was made late and a website is suspended by the host or a domain name is suspended by the registrar, I can help. 

Sometimes websites become infected and I am called on to recover the website, clean the website and finally secure the website from further attacks.

Corrupt WordPress databases and other databases can be repaired or recovered and data can be merged or migrated to other databases. 

I can and have recovered websites from the corruption of files on the server files like “.htaccess”, “index.php” or other .php and html files can be recovered.

I can repair website permissions and save websites from numbered error issues including 500 Internal server errors and 503 forbidden errors. I can help you with other numbered errors and repair 404 errors.

I have recovered websites from damage at most of the popular hosting companies including Site5, Bluehost, Godaddy, Liquid Web and Host Gator. I have and can repair websites at most any hosting company.

Maui Computer.com provides an array of services including Emergency Website Repair, Website Development, Website Maintenance, Website Subscription Services, Website Image Services, Website Writing Services, Website Consulting Services and Miscellaneous Website Services.

What Website Development Services Does Maui Computer.com Offer?

What are Your Website Maintenance Services?

What Subscription Website Services Do You Offer?

What Website Image Services Do You Perform?

What Website Writing Services Can You Help Me With?

What Are Your Website Consulting Services?

What Miscellaneous Website Services Do You Offer?