I Revisited Island Design Center this last week. They asked me to add a new item to the menu and change some of the names on it.
I had designed the site so I could update it lightning fast… just not that part of it. The lighting fast part was the adding and removing of projects like the two new entries for their completed redesign of the Fairmont Ko restaurant at the The Kea Lani in Wailea Maui.
For the menu and for adding and editing projects abit more work was involved. I had to revisit my code which though well commented is a bit complex. I like to push my envelope.
I had not looked at my code since I finished it in December so with a 100 or so odd elements on a background sprite and the code to programmatically move it around inside 40 or so odd divs, it took a little while to get a grasp of what I did. The more I edit something, of course, the faster it goes. Next time may be easier, if it’s in less than a year.
So the changes are:
1) Split up and changed COMMERCIAL to RETAIL and RESTAURANTS
2) Added the Fairmont Kea Lani’s Ko restaurant on pages one and two of RESTAURANTS
3) Take a look and see if you like what they did with the $5.1 million Fairmont Ko renovation.
If you need a restaurant or hotel designed, or even your residence, IDC will do it to perfection.
If you want to visit their creation, go to the Fairmont Kea Lani. Or read the Maui news article about the Island Design Center designed Fairmont Kea Lani Ko Restaurant grand opening of April 5th 2012.